We need people in our lives to protect us from ourselves. The premise here is that we have qualities about us that make us great. It may be surprising to learn that the qualities that make us great also come with negative consequences.
Think about a boxer’s competitive spirit. A never quit attitude is, in part, what makes a boxer great. This is a great quality, however, if a fighter is taking on too much damage and head trauma, he/she will never quit the fight (even if it is what is best). That’s what their corner is for.
The corner can throw in the towel to protect the fighter from him or herself.
I watched some college baseball this past weekend because my alma mater was playing in the NCAA tournament and this concept came up again. A starting pitcher won’t take himself out of the game. In fact, any pitcher who would likely not be a competitive pitcher in the first place. The announcer articulated this well saying, “Here the manager is going to take out his starter to protect his player. After 120 pitches, it’s time.”
You’re likely not a boxer or a starting pitcher, but you likely also need folks in your life to protect you from yourself. In the gym, you may need to heed a coach’s advice to do less, take a rest, or modify your approach. In your personal life, you might need a good friend to guide you away from self-destruction of another kind.
Will you let someone throw in the towel for you?
6/6/22 WOD
5 Partner Lying Medball Chest Passes
Then, take 10:00 to find a 3RM KB Stability Strict Press…
Then, EMOM 15
Min 1: 10 DB Push Presses (50/35)
Min 2: :30 Max Double Unders
Min 3: 25 KB Swings
3 – 3 – 3 – 3
Squat Cleans
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Staggard Stance RDLs (ea)
12 Alternating V-Ups
Then, complete the following for time:
8 Power Snatch (155/105)
200m Run
6 Power Snatch
200m Run
4 Power Snatch
200m Run
2 Power Snatch