The problem that occurs with many research studies in any field has to do with the fact that we as humans are inherently biased. The way we perceive the world around us has everything to do with how we were taught and the experiences we have across our lifetime. So when researchers set out to prove or disprove something, naturally they are already biased on what they believe the outcome will be. The hardest thing they have to do is set aside all preconceptions and approach their study with an unbiased and objective mindset.
This inherent bias we all have is exactly what makes self-assessment so difficult. Becoming self-aware and cognoscent of who we are and how we interact with others is one thing but developing the skill to objectively evaluate our own experiences and make appropriate adjustments based on those observations is a whole different ball game.
I stole this concept from one of the greatest and most well-known martial artists of our time, Bruce Lee. When asked about his approach to life, he is famously quoted as saying that we need to:
“Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is essentially your own.”
He talks about this philosophy in regard to his approach to martial arts. Lee was curious about what really worked in combat and how he could train his body for real-life conflicts. So he began researching and studying different disciplines such as boxing and fencing, incorporating what was useful to him into his traditional wing chun style of training. The result is a completely unique and effective form of martial arts that leaves people in awe to this day.
Now the challenge for us is if we can implement the same philosophy into our own lives. Can we humbly and objectively view our own experiences and performances in the same way? This requires an open mind and a growth mindset that will allow us not to judge our thoughts and actions but rather to just observe. Take note of what is serving us and what isn’t, be curious about how we might improve, and then incorporate necessary changes into our lives.
My goal as a coach is to constantly analyze how I can improve and evolve. Through observation of myself and observation of other coaches and their techniques, I want to incorporate and practice new skills that will help me become a better and unique version of who I once was. This is the mindset I had when I was an athlete and this is the mindset I would encourage you all to have in life.
There’s but one rule: no judgment, only ACTION!
6/3/22 WOD
3 Banded Incline Bench Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Chest Supported Rows
12 Bent Over DB Rear Flys
Then, EMOM 12
Min 1: :30 Max Lateral Plyo Boxees
Min 2: 8 Hang Devil Presses (50/35)
Min 3: 15 Slam Balls
Make 4 attempts at the following complex for load:
2 Deadlifts + 1 Power Clean
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Barbell RDLs
8 Half Kneeling DB Chops (ea)
Then, EMOM 12
Min 1: 1 Cluster + 1 BTN Thruster (AHAP)
Min 2: 200m
Min 3: Rest