Someone you know would be an avid gym goer, but they’ve got good reason to stay away. For most, back pain or a previous bout with injury of another kind has simply made going to the gym just not worth it.
Intro to Pain-Free Movement gives folks a second chance at training in the gym.
This brand new 8-week course is designed for folks that need to find safety and stability in their movement before reclaiming a gym membership. If you or someone you know needs an intentional foundation of core stability, breath, bracing, and fundamental strength, this course is calling you.
This course will begin June 6th and meet Monday and Thursday at 5:30pm for 8-weeks.
Per usual, these introductory specialty courses have limited space. If you are curious about one of the eight spots available, email campbell@deucegym.com for details now!
6/1/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
10 Dimmels
10 Fat Grip Pull Ups
50 Yard Offset Overhead Dumbbell Carry (each)
Then, complete the following for time:
1 7th Street Hill Run
50 DB Deadlifts (50/35)
40 Inverted Rows
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
1 Bull Run
Make 5 attempts at the following complex for load:
2 Front Squats + 3 Back Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Alternating Reverse Lunges
12 Med Ball Hamstring Curls
Then, complete 10 rounds for time of:
24 Double Unders
2 Clean & Jerks (205/145)