DEUCE Expands with Three Tiers of Digital Coaching

For the first time in DEUCE history, our main strength and conditioning course will be made available for remote training. There will be three distinct coaching offerings of General Physical Preparedness (GPP) to suit your financial needs and coaching needs. This is the best remote training available!

Option 1: Remote Access

Anyone with access to gym equipment can follow along with our world-famous strength and conditioning course from your home gym or local facility for just $31/month! 

Regular: $31/mo + 7-Day Free Trial

Option 2: ‘Middle Ground’ Membership

Get the infamous GPP experience with the addition of a real-life digital coach! Bi-weekly video check-ins will keep you on track and you can lean on your coach to modify the training, find movement progressions, and ensure your success. 

Founder’s Rate: $130/mo (First 10 Students)

Regular: $165/mo

Option 3: Full-Tilt Membership

Motivated people only! This is the Rolls Royce of digital training offerings, which includes weekly coaching calls, goal setting, and movement analysis. Maximize your training with a coach who is with you every step of the way. 

Founder’s Rate: $330 (First 5 Students)

Regular: $350/mo

Coach Shawn Anglin is already coaching early birds in the course and he’s standing by to help you maximize your garage gym or corporate gym experience! 


5/26/22 WOD


Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

3 Weighted Pull-up
6 Farmers Handle Deadlift

Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:

15 Fat Bar RDL’s
15 Bent Over Rows

Then, complete the following for time:

1 Block Run
150 Double Unders
7th Street Hill Run
50 Push-ups
6th Street Hill Run
150 Double Unders


Barbell Bent Over Rows 

Complete 2-3 rounds for quality of:

12 Alt. 1-Leg Toes-to-Bar
6 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
3 Muscle-Ups

Then complete the following for time:

Front Squats (155/105)
Bar Muscle-Ups

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