From a small city in Spain in 2017, the Hold the Standard Summit has toured the globe several times over. After years of traveling, it’s time for the course to evolve.
The infamous Hold the Standard Summit is now available online.
The Hold the Standard Summit is a two-day immersive course on adaptive leadership and organizational culture. It’s where entrepreneurs, managers, and department teams go to get immersed in the areas of our work that most don’t know how to address. The only connection the material has to DEUCE is utilizing the business as a case study.
Participants can expect to understand actionable frameworks for:
- change behavior
- diagnostic tools
- organizational structure
- actionable processes, and
- staff development
If you’re a human being that works with other human beings in any creative or leadership role, this course is for you.
This is not just for fitness entrepreneurs by any stretch. We dive into the most progressive understanding of leadership and group dynamics. Attendees will be able to structure themselves, their teams, departments, and even companies to operate developmentally. This means you and your team will be better next month than you are this month and so on.. Forever.
5/20/22 WOD
Banded Strict Press
12 Alternating Bent over DB Rows
12 Arnold Presses
Then, complete 4 rounds for time:
1 6th Street Hill Run
25 KB Swings(62/44)
10 Pull-ups
100′ Farmers Carry AHAP
Complete the following for time:
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Alt. Pistols
15 Pull-Ups