It is already April and the new year resolutions that many of us made in January have started to fade into the background. This is a typical trend that affects all of us and it has become so common to forget these promises we made ourselves that it has become somewhat of a pop-culture joke. Memes flood the internet making jest at the fact that the gyms are now empty again and that one book a month promise has now turned into one book every three months. Our lives are busy and quickly we shift focus to the stresses of our work and everyday life, it’s natural and it’s common.
However, I assume I am speaking to uncommon people. All of you who read this blog aspires to live a full life and have success in whatever corner of the world you occupy. So if I may, I would like to share some 26-year-old encouragement to avoid falling short of your resolutions and promises to yourself. This encouragement comes in the form of three words:
Have some respect.
Yup. Just like Aretha Franklin told us, you got to have a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. And, when I say respect, I explained it to one of my clients the other day like this: Would you promise a friend or loved one something and then never follow through on it? Would you tell someone you will be there for them and then never show up? Of course not. So, why wouldn’t you treat yourself with that same level of respect? In a world full of rhetoric on self-love and self-worth, why would you let yourself off the hook?
It seems pretty clear when written out in words yet it is extremely hard to put into practice when push comes to shove. This is because we are sympathetic people, we care for others and their well-being far above our own. We claim that we would put our life on the line to save a loved one which is a remarkable and noble thing. But that very nature takes our attention away from ourselves and our own well-being.
It is not wrong and you are not a failure for breaking a promise to yourself, however, if you seek real fulfillment out of your life you must respect yourself enough to be better. Be truly uncommon in your ability to hold yourself accountable for the improvements you want to make in your life.
And, it all starts with a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T.
4/15/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
5 Box Jump (AHAP)
6-12 Pull Ups
12 Single Banded Row Side Plank (ea)
Then, complete 5 rounds for max reps:
In :60 for each movement…
KB swings (62/35)
– Rest :60 –
– Rest :60 –
DB Goblet Squats (40/25)
– Rest :60 –
Pause Back Squat (:02)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 1-Leg Sliding Reverse Lunge (ea)
8 KOT Goblet 1 1/4 Squat
Then, EMOM 18
Min 1: Max Cal Assault Bike
Min 2: Rest
Min 3: 20 Butterfly Sit Ups