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Once you’re inside the gym, you realize that your preconceived notions and fears aren’t, in fact, true at DEUCE. Thankfully Brenda took that step and she hasn’t turned back. DEUCE is an intimidating place. We like to say, however, that we’re “only tough on the outside”.
Brenda’s story is both important and common. DEUCE Gym represents the final stop on most students’ lifelong search for a sustainable movement practice.
Join Brenda and lots of students like her at one of our Los Angeles based gyms here. See you in the gym!
4/5/22 WOD
Take 15:00 to find a heavy Strict Press…
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Half Kneeling DB Press (ea)
8 DB Bent Over Rows (ea)
Then, complete 12 rounds of the following for reps:
In :30…
Round 1: Max Double Unders
Round 2: Max Pushups
Round 3: Max Goblet Squats (40/20)
-Rest :30-
Tempo RDL (41X1)
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Eccentric Kneeling Nordic Curls(:03)
6 Goblet Lateral Lunges(ea)
Then, complete 4 rounds for MAX calories:
:30 Assault Bike
-Rest :90-
* Record lowest number of calories