Many of you know there is a long history of intermittent issues with the singular bathroom toilet at DEUCE Garage (our Venice location). The longer story made shorter is we’re a problem solving bunch here and I’m excited to present to you leadership in action.
We’ve come to find out that the insidious roots of the eucalyptus trees that line the alleyway are the culprit and ultimately have compromised our mainline pipes. That said, we’ve coordinated for a longtime solution with our neighbors to the north: Star of Siam Thai.
From now on, DEUCE Gym will utilize their bathroom (and they are expecting you). All you need to do is enter through the front and request a “to-go order for one” and they will lead you to the lavatory.
We’re excited about the collaboration and the extremely short walk that will be required. Thank you for your understanding!
4/1/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Single Arm Split Stance Landmine Overhead Press (ea)
12 Body Saw
15 Hanging Leg Raises
Then, complete the following for reps:
Pull Ups
DL DB Reverse Lunge (ea) (45/25)
*Complete every round:
1 20 Yard KB Carry – (AHAP)
1 7th Street Corner Run
Pause Back Squat (:02)
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
8 Split Squat Jumps – Right
8 Split Squat Jumps – Left
8 Jump Squats
Then, complete 6 rounds for slowest time:
200m Run
-Rest 2:00-