The idea that flipping the damper setting to ten while rowing is “hard” and sliding it down to one is the “easy” setting is a misunderstanding. The damper setting is simply a control for how much air is allowed into the flywheel.
Rowing on a Concept 2 rower is a combination of factors including but not limited to stroke rate and force production.
This, of course, is the reason that one can maintain the exact same 500m pace with seemingly opposing stroke rates. If it’s any consolation, the best athletes in the world on the erg don’t row at a ten. They often row at a three to five damper setting.
To understand which damper setting is best for you, try rowing 100m with a fixed stroke rate at a one damper setting. Repeat this effort at a three, five, seven, and nine. Which damper setting yielded the fastest 100m time trial? This will give you a feel for the setting that is right for you.
3/17/22 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Half Kneeling Landmine Press (ea)
10 Single Arm Half Kneeling Lat Pull Down (ea)
Then, complete the following for time:
1 Block Run
10 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges(44/35)
1 6th Street Hill Run
20 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
1 Bull Run
30 KB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Hang Squat Snatch
Complete the following for time:
200 Double Unders
– – – – – – –
5 Rounds:
3 Power Cleans (185/125)
6 Slam Balls
18 Hand-to-Hand KB Swings (53/35)