One of the most repeated maxims I remember my dad telling me as a little boy was, “Don’t force it.” This was usually in reference to me stripping a Phillips head screw or forcing a thing open to the point that I was jeopardizing breaking it. In any case, when I heard the story of Venice and how famed developer Abbot Kinney built the ‘Coney Island of the Pacific’ that remains a global tourist destination, I couldn’t help but think it was a grown-up version of what my dad always said:
“Don’t force it.”
You see, for more than one hundred years Venice Beach has been a spectacle of showmanship, street performers, artists, and other unique fanfare. That wasn’t the original plan, however.
Journalist Alex Stowell captures Abbot Kinney’s original plan perfectly when he writes Venice was meant to be:
“a place dedicated to health, higher learning, and education. A place where people would come to relax and enjoy the ocean air while following intellectual pursuits. After opening, Kinney brought in professors and writers to deliver lectures to what he thought would be well-attended seminars. Much to his dismay, the idea flopped!”
Thankfully for everyone who gets to enjoy the abundant city of Venice today, Abbot Kinney didn’t force it. He adjusted his course and instead he delivered the amusement and fun the people wanted. This ultimately led to a raging success.
Charging forward is helpful at times, but it’s important to note that we lose panoramic vision when we’re forcing things along. When you stop to look to your left and right, a better solution might just emerge. Soon success will come (with much less effort).
2/9/22 WOD
Chained Bench Press
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
20 Tate Presses
30 Banded Tricep Pull Downs
Then, EMOM 15
Min 1: 10 Pull-Ups
Min 2: 7th Street Corner Sprint
Min 3: 20 Push-Ups
Barbell Reverse Lunge (ea)
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
50′ 1-Arm DB OH Lunge – Left
50′ 1-Arm DB OH Lunge – Right
12-15 Hip Extensions
Then, complete 3 rounds for time:
9 OH Squats (115/85)
9 Bar Facing Burpees
400m Run