We’re proud to welcome Coach Harvey Martin, breath specialist and mental skills coach for the 2021 National League West Champion, San Francisco Giants. Coach Harvey will be leading the workshop on Saturday, March 5th from 1:00-4:00pm.
Participants can expect a deep dive into the fundamentals of breath mastery for performance and the profound effects of exposure. The workshop is beyond theoretical, too. Participants will engage in breathwork practices and integration into training, as well as exposure to the sauna and ice baths.
This limited space experience is open to the public, so reserve here quickly. However, DEUCE students receive a strong discount. (Ask a coach for access!)
A Note About the Instructor:
Harvey is the founder of The MindStrong Project. He specializes in training Professional and Olympic Athletes most specifically within the MLB, NHL, and NFL. Working with well over a hundred professional athletes he has also consulted and coached at every level of NCAA athletics. His specialization is in mental skills training with an emphasis on breathing.
His unique approach to coaching follows the laws of nature. Creating adaptation through the basic necessity of breathing, nutrition, movement, and sleep. His work involves the use of environmental stressors such as heat and cold exposure with breathing techniques that teach performers how to shift their mental and physical state in the moment. These techniques teach clients the importance of breathing and the ability to make choices under pressure. Managing reactions and simplifying behaviors to optimize the highest competitive edge.
2/7/22 WOD
1 1/4 Back Squat
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
16 RFE DB Split Squats
10 Weighted Evil Wheels
Then, AMRAP 10
4 Single Arm DB Devils Press(50/35)
6 Single Arm DB
20 Double Unders
Back Squat
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Tempo RDLs (31×1)
10 Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)
20 Russian Twists
Then, complete 3 rounds for reps:
:30 Max Shoulder-To-Overhead (95/65)
– Rest :90 –