We live in a results driven world. And whether you like it or not, we are often times judged on the results we produce at home, at work, and in the gym. Because of this, we find ourselves in a constant search for how we can attain the results we want in life. What’s the secret? What are the 5 steps to build a successful life? Well for 3 large payments of $399 I can provide you with unbridled access to my online course where I teach you exactly how to do it…
That was a joke. I am no guru when it comes to matters such as this, however, there is a secret trick to having the results you seek. Listen carefully:
Surrender the outcome. Commit to consistency.
Anyone who has accomplished something great in their life will tell you that the result isn’t worth much without the journey that they took to get there. That is because success doesn’t happen overnight or in 1 year or even in 10 years. Think about it this way: did you ever do one thing that made your spouse suddenly fall in love with you? Have you ever accomplished a task at work and suddenly be recognized as a great leader and boss? Was there ever a single workout that suddenly made you healthy and gave you the body you’ve always wanted? Absolutely not.
The magic lies in your ability to show up day after day in the form of service and love and humility. Can you make the effort to show your partner you love them every day, even in the small ways? Can you ask your employees how they are doing and actually care about their answer when they give it to you? Can you show up to the gym every week even when you don’t see the results right away when you look in the mirror? All of these rhetorical questions are centered around the principle of CONSISTENCY.
Things like love and leadership and fitness need to be cultivated and we must be patient in the meantime. Relentless commitment to a consistent effort of becoming your best self is necessary for the desired results in our life to be actualized. The good news is that we are all capable of doing this, it just depends on how bad you want it.
Show up and show out!
2/4/22 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
6 Weighted Pull-Ups
4 Farmers Handle Deadlift
Then, complete 2 rounds of the following for reps:
1 Block Run
25 Double Unders
10 DB Front Squats (45/30)
-Rest 3 Minutes-
Conventional Banded Deadlift
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6-12 Kipping pull-ups
20 Kettlebell swings
Then, complete 4 rounds of the following:
250m Row
*Record slowest time