Around 2013, the micro gym community (led by CrossFit) peaked in our obsession with external rotation. External rotation (usually as it pertains to the hip joint and shoulder joint) describes rotation of the leg and arm respectively away from the body.
Why was external rotation a global obsession?
We elevated external rotation for good reason, actually. External rotation at hip level, for example, while squatting generally creates more stability in the hip and places the squatter in an anatomically advantaged position to move through a large range of motion with a load. There are similar advantages to the demand for external rotation at shoulder level for common upper body exercises like the push up and bench press.
Internal rotation became known as a common fault.
The designation of a common fault threw the baby out with the bath water, however, because some of the most prized movements in the gym require the mover to demonstrate important internal rotation. If you’ve made internal rotation a Boogey Man in your mind, let me be the first to remind you that the muscle up, clean, and snatch all require internal rotation at shoulder level. Want pistols? You better have good internal rotation at hip level.
All details aside, let the obsession with external rotation serve as a cautionary tale. All dogma comes out of some truth, positive intent, and a narrow mind. As it turns out, quality movement demands both internal and external rotation.
Cheers to integration!
1/19/22 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
8 Back Squat (4,0,1,0)
20 DL DB Death Marches
Then, EMOM 15
A) 8 Single KB Push Press (ea)
B) 8 Burpee Box Jump
C) 40 Medball Russian Twist
Back Squats
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 RDLs
12-15 GHD Hip Ext
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps of:
In :60..
75 Yard Shuttle Sprint
Max Stone-to-Shoulder (150/95)
-Rest 3 Min-