What Are the Benefits of the Repeated Effort Method

This month’s training cycle in Venice includes a nod to the Repeated Effort Method in both an upper and a lower body expression. What is the Repeated Effort Method? 

The Repeated Effort Method (RE) is a strategy that uses submaximal loads until failure. For instance, yesterday’s strength piece in Venice includes three training set of the back squat with the third set being for as many reps as possible. While this is a mild play on the method because the first two sets were fixed at five repetitions, the stimulus of the method is surely achieved on the third set. 

Self-Selecting Stimulus.

You might imagine that it would be a seemingly good training stimulus if an athlete uses 80% of his/her one rep max for a set of five. That said, what if his/her one rep max isn’t accurate or if he/she is under recovered or if he/she is fast twitch dominant or any other host of variables. Performing a set with 80% for a maximum rep set, guarantees a relative stimulus regardless of the aforementioned variables. 

Hypertrophy Effect.

There is a signature muscle growth element of training the repeated effort method. The time under tension, eccentric loading, muscle damage, and metabolic stimulus makes for a ripe environment for hypertrophy. 

Muscular Strength.

While there is arguably no better method for developing maximal strength than the Max Effort Method (ME), the Repeated Effort Method (RE) uniquely forces maximal muscle recruitment to produce force in a fatigued state near the end of the set. This has profound strength building properties. 

This isn’t the first time we’ve leaned on this powerful method and it won’t be the last. Enjoy!

1/6/22 WOD


Complete 4 rounds for quality of:

8 DB Bench Press (4,0,1,0)
30 Hollow Rocks
*5 Side Lying Windmill (ea)

Then, complete the following for time: 

1 7th Street Corner Run
2 Rounds:
30 DB Squats (45/30)
30 Lateral Burpees Over DB
1 6th Street Run


100’ Sled Sprint

Complete 3 rounds for quality of:

15 Tempo Standing Band Rotations (41X1) – Left
15 Tempo Standing Band Rotations (41X1) – Right
10 DB Split Squats + 6 Jumping DB Split Squats – Left
10 DB Split Squats + 6 Jumping DB Split Squats – Right

Then, every 4 minutes for 5 rounds, complete the following for time:

45 Double Unders
12 Alt Goblet Rev Lunges (70/50)
10 Alt DB Snatches

**Athletes record 5th round time for a score