Much of what we do is about physical fitness, but if you’ve been around our community for any significant amount of time you know we also appreciate social fitness. It’s a long standing DEUCE tradition to meet at 110 Lincoln on New Year’s Day to take a short walk as a community to brunch at Clutch Venice. We call it the DEUCE 1/2K Run/Walk event.
The idea comes from a not-so-serious parody of the holiday 5K/10K events. A ‘Half K’ signifies 500 meters, which is slightly more than one lap around a track. Participants can expect to walk in street clothes to a fun, light-hearted brunch.
We’re dovetailing our meet up with our monthly trash clean up starting at noon. We’ll take 30 minutes to clean up Commonwealth Ave. and the surrounding sidewalks/alleys and then walk to eat.
Let’s start 2022 off together!
12/30/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Front Squat
12 Contralateral KB Split Squat (each)
Then, complete 2 rounds for time:
50 Double unders
50 Kb Swings(62/44)
25 Burpees
In 10:00 build to a Heavy Push Jerk…
Push Press
Then, Complete the Following for reps:
With one partner working at a time..
8 Power Snatch (95/65)
6 Toes-to-Bar
Then, Complete 3 Rounds for Quality:
30 DB Hammer Curls