Millions of Americans were deep into a period of autopilot when the country went into quarantine. After forced introspection, many made dramatic reconsiderations for their lives. This resulted in out-of-state moves while others changed jobs or ended relationships.
COVID-19 forced us to reimagine our lives.
I believe, though, that there is a useful word of caution here. The source of our general anguish is often our work. If you’ve been in a dead-end career, the pandemic likely pushed you over the edge. I find that for most Americans, the idea of moving closer to living “your dream” would likely require a shift in the category of work.
As a result many burnt out Americans have completed ‘Step 1’ by moving away from a job that doesn’t suit them. However, it’s not guaranteed that one’s worldview would include down-to-the-marrow work ethic after making this shift.
Whether you’re following your dream or not, one thing should not be forgotten and that is that all roads to your goals require a work ethic that gets uncomfortable. In fact, most fulfilling jobs require more work than the autopilot alternative.
12/27/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of::
8 Bench Press
8 Dips
Then, AMRAP 15
12 Chest Supported Rows(AHAP)
12 Roller Push-ups(total)
1 7th Street Farmers Carry(AHAP)
Goblet Step Downs (ea)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
50′ Rev Sled Drag + 50′ Sled Push
12 KB Swings AHAP
Then, AMRAP8
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
12 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)