Finally! The Hold the Standard™ Summit returns to its Spanish roots. Years ago the first ever Summit was held in Oviedo, Spain and it’s my great pleasure to announce that it will return to Barcelona in March!
The two day course on leadership and organizational culture has seen attendees from tech and fitness to fashion and design fields. I’ve been fortunate enough to teach this course in six countries and can easily say it’s the most inclusive, important work that I do.
Hold the Standard Summit™ – Barcelona
When: March 19-20 (10:00am-5:00pm)
Where: Soho House Barcelona
Who: individuals & teams in leadership
Specifically speaking, if you’re a human being that works with other human beings in any creative or leadership role, this course is for you. The two day course is not just for fitness entrepreneurs by any stretch. We dive into the most progressive understanding of leadership and group dynamics. Attendees will be able to structure themselves, their teams, departments, and even companies to operate developmentally. This means you and your team will be better next month than you are this month and so on.. Forever.
Early bird pricing ends soon! ENROLL NOW.
11/10/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
1 Ground to Shoulder
1 Sandbag Shoulder Squat (ea)
20 Plank Overhead Reaches
Complete 5 rounds of the following:
In :90..
1 7th Street Corner Carry
30 Double Unders
Max Burpee + Rig Touch
-Rest :60-
Eccentric Front Squats (41×1)
Then, Complete 3 Rounds for Quality:
8 Goblet Lateral Lunges (ea)
12 DB Hip Thrusts
100′ Reverse Sled Drag
Then, AMRAP 10
800m run
– – – –
5 DB Curtis P’s (50/35)
10 Pull ups
20 Double unders