NEW! DEUCE Racing Podcast, Episode 13: TJ Stafford

TJ Stafford makes music. Pretty incredible music, mind you. If you are also inspired by music and want to learn it, you can look here for Easy Songs For Beginners To Start With. Fascinated by the creative process, and what we can distill from experts in their craft, like TJ, who are committed to a lifetime of continual production, I asked him about his process for creating new songs. “Does it come to you?”

His reply spoke volumes: “If I start.”

In this latest episode of the DEUCE Racing Podcast, TJ brilliantly speaks about the entire spectrum – light and dark included – of life as an artist, as well as the importance of simply staying in motion – with whatever it is you do in life.

Oh, and by the way(!)… Since releasing this podcast, TJ’s latest album, “The Death of Zossima”, has made the Official Ballot for Best Rock Album, Best Rock Song (“THE CURE”), Best New Artist, and Best Engineered Album for this year’s Grammy Awards by The Recording Academy! You can dig into TJ’s work here and his record label, Saint Rogue, here. When in doubt, give him a follow on Instagram @tjstaffordmusic

Go on, get those headphones out and sit back for a real treat of an episode. As always, inviting you to like, subscribe, and share with friends and family!

11/2/21 WOD


Complete 5 rounds for quality of:

8 Narrow Grip Bench Press
12 Single Dumbbell Bent Over Row -Supine Grip

Then, complete 2 rounds for reps:
Max Pushups

Then, complete 5 rounds of the following:

 In :90..
1 7th Street Corner Carry
20 Lateral Plyo Skiers
Max Burpee Box Jump (9”)

* Rest 1 min between rounds


Take 10:00 Minutes to Find a High Double Box Jump

Barbell RDLs

Then Complete the Following for Time:

50 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Pull ups
50 KB Swings (70/53)
50 Burpees


100 Banded Hamsting Curls in as few Sets as Possible

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