All are invited to 110 Lincoln Blvd. for our Second Annual Friday FreakFest Throwdown! DEUCE’s Competition style ThrowDown is back again under the magical lights in the yard tonight (Friday October 29th).
Both spectators and participants are welcome to enter the costume contest! The event schedule will go as follows:
6:00-6:10pm – Athlete Briefing
6:10-6:30pm – Heat 1
6:35-6:55pm – Heat 2
7:00-7:20pm – Heat 3
Competition Requirements: While the event won’t be coached like a class, there are both RX and scaled options available.
Athletes competing will also need to be willing to Judge.
This year’s FreakFest Throwdown is a two part classic. Keep in mind that there will be scaling options available. Here are the workout details:
Part A
Complete the following for time:
10 Power Snatches (115/75)
20 Toes-to-Bar
10 Thrusters
-Rest 1:00-
10 Power Snatches
20 Kipping Pull ups
10 Thrusters
-Rest 1:00-
10 Power Snatches
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
10 Thrusters
[ Time Cap 10:00 ]
Part B
At 10:00, Take 5:00 to Find a Heavy Cluster
[ Time Cap 5:00 ]
If you’re coming to spectate, no registration is needed. If you’re planning on participating in a heat please reserve up to four hours before the event starts here. Thank you!
10/29/21 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
5 Floor Press
8 Single Leg Overhead Ball Slam(ea)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
30 Banded Pull Downs
10 DB Rollbacks
Then, complete 5 rounds for time:
15 KB Swings(62/44)
12 Goblet Reverse Lunges
10 Push-ups
1 7th Street Corner Run
Paused Deadlift (Below the Knee)
Complete 3-4 rounds for quality of:
16 Alt Front Rack Rev Lunges
30 KB Swings
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
3 Touch-and-Go Power Snatches (155/105)
200m Run