While recording the next episode for the DEUCE Racing podcast this past weekend, our next guest made one hell of a succinct, powerful remark on doubt, and it’s stuck with me ever since:
“Doubt your doubt.”
I share this to offer a simple reminder: doubting your ability to perform something, particularly that which you’ve never done before, is completely normal. In fact, it’s an inevitable obstacle in this gig of doing… well, anything!
So reconcile with that doubt, alright? Don’t let it stop you from trying. No need to fight it or flee from it.
Stay committed, stay moving, stay in the arena. The world’s a better place when you’re going for it.
10/19/21 WOD
Complete 6 rounds of the following for load:
In 2:00..
2 Power Clean + :30 Active Hang
Then, complete 2 rounds for quality of:
3 Different Weights Single Arm DB Bent Over Row
Then, AMRAP 15
1 7th Street Corner Carry(50/35)
12 Inverted Rows
10 DB Front Squats
1 Bull Run
Tall Split Jerks
Make 4 attempts at the following for load:
1 Hang Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk
Then, AMRAP 12
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Alt DB Snatches (60/40)
8 Toes-to-Bar