Halfway through my senior year in high school, I baked a chocolate cake for my AP Calculus teacher to bump (okay, okay… bribe) an 84.4 semester grade to an 84.5, which was then rounded up to an 85, and secured a B and not a C on my report card.
I admit this with incredibly mixed feelings.
On one hand, to this day – I’m still proud of the damn near immaculate frosting & decoration job I engineered to map out the freaking Unit Circle on top of this cake and fight for my grade. (Look, I’m rolling my eyes at myself for admitting this, but it’s true.) On the other hand, much more importantly – I’m mortified that I ever did this, and that it could have been avoided if I was just a more consistent student.
Because here’s the thing – extra credit is actually irrelevant if you seize every opportunity within your control to maximize regular credit.
As you already know with training – more does not necessarily mean better.
And so, short & sweet, a call to be the very best student that you can with today’s training – both in and outside the gym – without hoping or relying on extra to compensate for sub-par participation in the regular.
Virtuosity for the win, yeah? Besides, isn’t the best defense to stay on offense? Hold the Standard…
8/31/21 WOD
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
3 Deadlifts
30 Russian Twist
Then, AMRAP 12
12 DB Box Step-overs
8 Pull-ups
1 7th Street Corner Run
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Barbell Deadlift
10 Banded SA Pulldown
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
10 DB Bent Row
12 DB Curl
Then, Complete 8 rounds of the following for time:
12 Alt. Kettlebell Swings
12 Alt. Lateral Jumps Over KB
4 Broad Jumps
Power Clean
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Top-to-Top box Step Ups – Left
10 Top-to-Top box Step Ups – Right
100’ Rev Sled Drag
Then, AMRAP 9
2, 4, 6, 8..
Deadlifts (205/155)