A call for more proverbial I gotchu’s… you know, those small, often hidden kindnesses that occur when someone goes out of their way to make something easier for you. Or vice versa, when you go out of your way to make something easier for someone else.
Maybe it’s the coffee you didn’t ask for but desperately needed, the support for a challenging daily duty you didn’t expect but graciously appreciated, or the reassuring eye contact or message that came as a complete surprise but at just the right time. Alternatively, maybe it’s the act that enables you to rest and work less, or the act that shields you from otherwise unavoidable distractions. Needless to say, these unexpected kindnesses are gifts that can and do light up the darkest of moments.
I’m no basketball expert, but regardless of whether you’ve played the sport ever or not – you’re likely familiar with the Pick and Roll. (Small kindnesses to Pick and Roll? Where are we going here?! Stay with me…) You know the move – the one where a player sets a screen to help their teammate with the ball move past a defender, only to roll away towards the hoop, get the ball back, and be in a scoring position.
From a much broader perspective, the Pick and Roll is the quintessential I gotchu. It’s a beautiful example of quietly but intentionally working together in a way that benefits everyone. It’s helping you, help me, help us.
One plus one may equal two in math, but it sure doesn’t equate the same way interpersonally. So, more Pick and Rolls, please. Teamwork for the win!
8/19/21 WOD
Complete 6 Rounds Every 2:00 of the following complex:
2 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean
1: 12 Alternating DB Snatches
2: 8 KB Front Squats
3: 30 Double Unders
Kneeling Jump to 3 forward bound
Then, complete 5 rounds for quality of:
8 Snatch Pull
10 Single Arm DB Press(ea)
12 Standing lateral raise
15 Single Leg Glute Bridge(ea)
Then, Go for a walk…
Broad Jump to Vertical Jump
Make 5 attempts at the following complex:
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Power Clean
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
200’ Sled Sprint
12 Tempo DB RDLs (42X1)
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps of:
:90 Max Wall Balls (20/14)
-Rest :90-
:90 Max KB Swings (53/35)
-Rest :90-