“Elbows up!” You’ve heard it. It’s a horse beat dead to a pulp. There’s good reason, though, because the front rack is a critical position to bear a training load with carry over to a number of lifts, including the clean and jerk.
Here’s the thing, though. A world-class front rack isn’t just about getting your “elbows up.” Yes, you need the mobility to achieve the position. And, there’s more. The front rack is a shelf created by an active, well-developed anterior deltoid.
A quality front rack is a combination of mobility and muscle development such that the load of the bar can rest on the body via the shoulders. The bar should avoid contact with the clavicle and achieving this position is a matter of active shoulders, well-developed delts, and important mobility.
Don’t forget it.
7/23/21 WOD
Complete 5 rounds:
12 Double Dumbbell Box Step Up
12-15 Lat Row
12-15 Double Dumbbell Lateral Raise
Complete the following for time:
50 Kettlebell Swings (62/44)
40 Kettlebell Goblet Squats
30 Pushup Complex
20 Pullups
10 90º-Turn Athletic Burpees
Alt 1-Arm DB Bench Press
Compete 3 rounds for quality:
Max Strict Wide Grip Pull Ups
15 DB Tate Presses
Max Close Grip Push Ups
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 4 rounds for calories of:
In :75..
15 Goblet Squats (60/40)
Max Cal Bike
-Rest 2:30 Min-
Alt 1-Arm DB Bench Press
Compete 3 rounds for quality:
Max Strict Wide Grip Pull Ups
15 DB Tate Presses
Max Close Grip Push Ups
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 4 rounds for calories of:
In :75..
15 Goblet Squats (60/40)
Max Cal Bike
-Rest 2:30 Min-