In a recent interview, legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino offered rare insight into his creative process. The director who’s known for timeless films like Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Kill Bill: Volume 1 says he strikes an interest in a concept and he nurtures his curiosity for the topic. His course of action next is specific and important.
Tarantino decides to make the film (or not) if he can envision the opening scene.
That’s it.
If he can create the opening scene in his mind, he can make the film. And, while this explains the grandiosity of his films’ opening scenes, it teaches an important creative lesson. This lesson shows up in my book, Going Right: A Logical Justification for Pursuing Your Dreams, under the conceptual name ‘the Hiding Hand Principle’, as well. In any case, the message is simple. We don’t need to know everything before we start long, difficult processes. In many cases, it’s better that you don’t.
Tarantino just needs to know how to start and that’s all you need, too. It’s a common fault to believe that we need to understand all of the details of our big, scary efforts. This is specifically a fault because:
- It delays the forward progress required to initiate the project, and
- It’s impossible.
Want to do something amazing? Design the first “scene” and begin!
7/8/21 WOD
A: 2 Banded Speed Deadlift
B: 4 Box Jump (AHAP)
Complete with a partner:
For time:
2 6th Street Run
100 Goblet Squat (54/35)
100 Single Kettlebell Push Press
50 Pullups
Make 6 attempts at the following for load:
100’ Sled Pull
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 3 rounds for the following complex for load:
6 Goblet Split Squats – Left
6 Goblet Split Squats – Right
16 Alt. Reverse Lunges
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
10 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
45 Double Unders
Make 6 attempts at the following for time:
100’ Sled Push (45/25)
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 3 rounds for the following complex for load:
6 Split Squats – Left
6 Split Squats – Right
16 Reverse Lunges
-Rest as Needed-
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of:
15 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
45 Double Unders