Have you listened to the Hold the Standard audio docuseries yet? The mission of the platform is to investigate how we navigate life’s most difficult and important elements by taking up more leadership. Each episode of ‘Season 1’ is a short audio experience that combines expert interviews and real world insight into attributes available to those who pursue their highest expression.
Episode 5 just dropped and it examines the pinnacle of human experience: flow. Logan offers that not only is flow a worthy pursuit for a number of reasons, the pursuit of it could very well be the meaning of life. Season 1 of the podcast has moved sequentially through the linear developmental truths for those who pursue their best selves and it’s no coincidence that the necessary ingredients for the deepest flow states are literally the concepts of proceeding episodes.
Listeners will hear the voice of the man whose research brought the name “flow” and the science that backs it, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, as well as the voices of best-selling authors Steven Kotler & Sky Nelson-Issacs. Season 1 guests Carl Paoli, Chef Antonia Lofaso, Bboy Kid David, and NCAA Baseball Coach Rich Hill also make key real world contributions.
Thank you for choosing leadership and enjoy the show.
Text HTSPOD to 855-909-1350 for supporting materials.
6/30/21 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of::
50’ Front Rack KB Carry
15 Body Saws
50’ Baby Bear Contralateral Crawl
6 1-Arm KB Presses – Left (53/35)
6 1-Arm KB Presses – Right
8 Inch Worm Push Ups
1 Bull Run
For Time:
1 Mile Run
4 Rounds for Quality
8 Bulg. Split Squat per side
16 Alt. Jump Lunges
20 Feet Elevated Glute Bridges
Make 3 Attempts for Calories:
:60 Assault Bike Sprint
-rest as needed-
Take 15 minutes to establish a heavy clean & jerk..
Then, complete the following for time:
30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
15 Med Ball Hamstring Curls
12 DB Tate Presses