Birds do it. Butterflies do it. Penguins do it. And so do salmon. Seasonal migration, baby. It’s a thing.
Guess what? Now that it’s summer, you’ve probably witnessed your fellow humans doing it too… right on over to DEUCE’s ice bath emporium. And let me just say this – I’m here for it!
Okay okay. Jokes aside, I want to reiterate that if you’re curious about the benefits of cold exposure, (as well as heat exposure, and also foundational breathwork for better health & performance… as all of these things are connected) and still quite fearful of the cold – that is completely NORMAL! I’m here to remind you again that as long as you are curious and willing to show up, there’s no safer (or more fun of a place) to be guided through breath & exposure practices than right here at DEUCE.
Here’s the deal: If you reading this are currently feeling pulled into this all-too-natural migration to explore the cold, or know someone that is now that summer heat is here, I’m excited to announce two upcoming courses for enrollment!
- Saturday, July 10th from 1-4pm: the next Breath & Exposure Seminar
- Monday, July 12th, and every Monday & Wednesday from 5-6pm for 8 weeks: Breath & Exposure 101
For more information on each of these courses, you can check out the DEUCE Breath & Exposure Homepage HERE. In short, however, consider the B&E Seminar a deep, intense plunge into the how and why for these practices, all packaged within a single day, 3-hour experience & education. Alternatively, B&E 101 is a longer, slower drip of the same practices, with significantly more time under tension for what I like to call “conjugate methods” of breath, ice and heat.
Ready to enroll, or have questions? Email me at kimmy@deucegym.com today!
6/28/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of::
8 Bicep Curls
8 Lateral DB Raises
10 Lat Pulldowns
Then, with Partner, AMRAP 15
8 Pull Ups
10 DB Muscle Snatches (60/45)
8 Burpees Over-the-DB
1 Corner Run
Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
5 Box Jumps (30/24)
4 Power Cleans
12 KB Swings
12 Athletic Burpees
Then, AMRAP 12
20 DB Reverse Lunges
20 Alt. DB Snatches
40 Alt Empty Handed Russian Twists
Pause Barbell Bent Over Row
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality:
8 1-Arm Ring Rows (ea)
10 Russian Push Ups
15 Hollow Rocks
Then, complete 8 rounds for time:
2 Muscle Ups
4 Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Alt Jumping Lunges