Motivated people only. ‘Season 1’ of the Hold the Standard™ Podcast addresses one of life’s most important questions: “How shall we spend our time here?” Logan Gelbrich offers a hypothesis that the pursuit of our peak expression affords those willing to take the plunge a set of progressive, invaluable attributes outlined in his book, ‘Going Right’.
Episode 4 addresses that which binds us: adversity.
Logan offers that we all experience adversity, but some people are better at it that others. Could pursuing your peak expression make you more fit for unknowable life struggles?
Listeners will hear from Hollywood’s hottest new director, Tyler Nilson, who overcame homelessness to make waves at the box office as well as Chef Antonia Lofaso, photographer Vava Ribiero, Bboy Kid David, and Rich Hill, an NCAA collegiate baseball coach with 1,000 wins to his name. This episode not only features the unexpected troubles sustainable toothbrush company founder, Christina Ramirez, had to overcome when her first batch of product had to be trashed, you’ll also hear never before heard audio recordings from Logan Gelbrich as he and his DEUCE Gym team navigated the most challenging moment in the history of the fitness business.
Thank you for choosing leadership and enjoy the show.
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6/18/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
6 Pull Ups
8 DB Reverse Flys
20 KB Pass Throughs
7th Street Corner Carry
10 Renegade Rows
10 Push Presses
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, complete the following for load:
5 Back Squat at 75%
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
10 Bulgarian Split Squats (ea)
10 Barbell Hip Thrusts
Then, AMRAP 2
Max Burpees
-Rest 4 Min-
Max Burpees
Pendlay Row
Then, Complete 3 Rounds for Quality:
8 Eccentric Single arm DB Push Press (ea)
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Straight arm Lat Pull down with Pause
Then, AMRAP12
4 Bar Muscle ups
8 Burpees
12 Alternating DB Snatches (60/40)