We love Ben Smith.
Not only is Ben a beloved GPP Coach at both DEUCE Gym in Venice and DEUCE Backlot in Hollywood, he’s also the Head Coach of three DEUCE Specialty courses – Nutrition, DELTA BRAVO, and Bodybuilding.
And while you might already know a bit about Ben’s background in the military, or how he came to find DEUCE, you’ve likely never heard him tell the story about sending DEUCE Founder, Logan Gelbrich, a DM from a porta potty somewhere in Germany… or how (and why) he came to learn about strength & conditioning… or heard him speak about embodiment, and how a greater understanding of somatic processing has contributed to a richer, much more expansive perspective on things like commitment & manifestation.
Ben Smith doesn’t just get the job done with everything that he does, he unequivocally lives it. And, in the way he understands that strength & conditioning training can grow one’s capacity, Ben applies that same mentality to growing his capacity in all other expressions of life. As Ben puts it, while being successful in one field doesn’t guarantee success elsewhere, it does teach you that you can do hard things, and stay in it – regardless of what the outcome is. In this way, “Success is a function of consistency.”
On this week’s DEUCE Racing Podcast episode, I’m beyond excited to share with all of you a conversation that will surely inspire!
You know the drill by now… tune in HERE, like, subscribe, write a review, and please share! Cheers to spreading the goodness.
6/10/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of::
6 Floor Presses
12 Dips
Then, with a partner, AMRAP 10
Partner A: Corner KB Carry (AHAP)
Partner B: Max Pull Ups
High Box Jump
Power Snatch
Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
-Rest 5 Min-
6 Push Jerks (135/95)
3 Box Jumps
Depth Jump to Vertical Jump
Sumo Deadlift
Then, complete the following for time:
100/85 Cal Row
*Every 2:00, perform 5 Devils Presses (45/25)
Then, complete the following for quality:
60 Sliding Hamstring Curls