Embrace the View

I often romanticize the work. Naturally, the shadow of this habit of glamourising of the struggle is a failure to enjoy the ride. Folks like me, who make this mistake often don’t know how to stop and smell the roses. The struggle ultimately overpowers even the fruits of those labors. 

If you’re reading this, there’s a chance that you’re a high achiever, too, and odds are you’re more likely to focus on the climb than others. If you aren’t able to enjoy the view from the summit, you likely could benefit from a nudge to relish in life a bit.

I saw the above cartoon in the New Yorker and had to chuckle at myself a bit. As I preach to myself, I hope you can be encouraged to stop and smell the roses some. You’re working hard. Be kind to yourself. 

4/19/21 WOD


Complete 5 rounds for quality of:
8 RDLs
15 Banded KB Swings
8 Barbell Evil Wheels

Then, EMOM 15
Min 1: 5 Bench Presses
Min 2: 20 Overhead Reverse Lunges (45/25)
Min 3: :25 Hollow Hold


Complete the following for load:
6-8 Back Squats (55%)
-Rest as Needed
6 Back Squats (65%)
-Rest as Needed-
6 Back Squats (70%)
-Rest as Needed-
6 Back Squats (70%)

Then, complete the following for time:
Snatches (135/95)
Burpee Box Jump Overs


2 Deadlifts Against Bands (60%)

Then, perform 3 rounds for quality of:
8 Front Foot Elevated Split Squats (ea)
:15 Top Knee Up Captain Morgan (ea)
10 Paused Sliding Hamstring Curls

Then, perform 5 rounds for time:
5 1-Arm DB Thrusters – Left (60/40)
5 1-Arm DB Thrusters – Right
10 Strict Push Up Burpees