When I was about the age of this young, motivated ball player in the image above I was a longtime student of an annual experience called ‘The San Diego School of Baseball’. It was a baseball camp on steroids with a cast of instructors of literal Hall of Fame status. Beyond the “celebrity” element, the structure was so thoroughly beyond anything you’d see in a typical camp. It was at the San Diego School of Baseball that I had one of the most profound learnings (and it had nothing to do with sports).
The marquee coach at the camp was Hall of Famer, Tony Gwynn. May he rest in peace.
Who was Tony Gwynn? He’s considered to be the greatest San Diego Padre in history, where he played his entire career. He won eight batting titles and represented masterful contact hitting across his nearly twenty year Major League career. Beyond the accolades, Tony Gwynn was (and still is) the personification of a champion human being. His nickname was Mr. Padre and he could have won mayor of San Diego until the end of time for his standout character and remarkable athletic career.
That’s why listening to Bob Cluck, the school’s founder, announce in front of an entire camp student body (with many of their parents present) that he’d be firing Tony Gywnn has stayed with me until today. You see, Tony had a scheduling mix up, didn’t show up to the camp this particular year, and left many young players (and fans) wondering where their hero was. I want to point out how much this was a fluke and completely out of character for him.
I watched Coach Cluck stand in front of us and talk to us about accountability and how important it is to do what you say you’re going to do. Furthermore, he told us that the importance of accountability is that it has to be clear and can’t play favorites.
Cluck struggled to find words and make sense of what he was about to say. “When you’ve got responsibilities in life, it’s important to be held accountable,” he said. “And, while Tony is a lifelong friend and an incredible human, I can’t possibly set a different example for you all. I hope we all can learn from today. And, with that, I need to tell you that today I fired my friend, Tony Gywnn, and I’m sorry.” Hundreds of young players gasped. It was one of the most honorable things I’ve seen someone do.
I’ll never forget it. Tony was still a living legend, Bob and Tony were still friends, and Tony was punished appropriately for not fulfilling his duties.
Could you fire Mr. Padre?
3/29/21 WOD
Complete the following complex for load:
1 Deadlift
1 Hang Clean
2 Push Presses
1 Split Jerk
Complete the following for time:
2 Island Run/ 200m
30 Deadlifts (135/95)
2 Island Runs
20 Power Clean
2 Island Runs
10 Shoulder to Overhead
2 Island Runs
Even: 5 Tempo RDLs (40X0)
Odd: 5 Strict Dips (40X0)
Then, AMRAP 5
:10-15 Hollow Body Hold
10-15 Hollow Rocks
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of:
25/20 Cal Row
20 Deadlifts (155/95)
25/20 Cal Row
20 Goblet Front Squats
Immediately into 2 rounds for time of:
20 1-Arm Overhead DB Lunges (50/35)
15 Overhead Squats (115/75)
10 Thrusters
Make 5 attempts at the following for load:
2 High Hang Snatch Pulls
1 High Hang Snatch
High Hang Snatch
Then, complete 2 rounds for time:
30 DB Lungsters (45/25)
800m Run