One of our very own is taking on the world this evening in the 2021 World Indoor Rowing Championships. Stefanie Weisseisen-Lund secured one of just thirteen spots to race for the title in her category. Stefanie is a lightweight competitor with a qualifying 2000m row effort of seven minutes and forty seconds.
With the pandemic still a factor, the 2021 World Rowing Championships will be complete virtually via WIFI connected ergs. Stephanie will be rowing from DEUCE Garage starting in the early hours Thursday morning.
While not every vulnerable DEUCE Racing effort our side of the gym needs to be such a physical feat, this effort surely qualifies. It’s with great pride that I welcome Stefanie Weisseisen-Lund to the DEUCE Racing Team.
Good luck and keep going, Stefanie!
2/24/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
15 Bent Over Dbl DB Row
6 Tempo 1-Arm Strict Presses
Then, complete 3 rounds for time of:
10 Dbl DB Deadlifts (50/35)
10 Dbl DB Hang Cleans
10 Dbl DB Push Presses
Then, immediately into:
30 Burpees
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10-15 Row (ea)
8/8 Suitcase Deadlifts (40X0)
20 Leg Lifts Over-the-KB
Then, AMRAP 6
12 Squats
24 Shoulder Taps
Then, every 3 minutes for 5 rounds, complete the following for time.
8 Tuck Jumps
14 KB Hang Clean & Jerks
50 Mountain Climbers
Odd: :20 Max Effort Plank
Even: Max Plate Ground to Overhead (Exhale Breath Hold) (45/25)
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
Max Kipping Pull Ups
12 1-Arm DB Floor Press (ea)
-Rest as Needed-
Then, every 3 minutes for 18 minutes, complete the following for reps:
In :90…
20 KB Swings (70/53)
10 HR Push Ups
Max Alt Jumping Lunges