POP QUIZ! There you are playing your guitar (like you do) and in walks Carlos Santana. Do you:
A. want to play better
B. the same, or
C. become complacent with playing worse?
And, SCENE! It’s you, a basketball, and an open net. You’re shooting jumpers for fun and a candy red Ferrari Testarossa pulls up. “No way!” (Yes, way.) It’s his “airness,” Michael Jordan. Same question. Do you want to perform better? The same? Worse?
I recently heard a story about a famous singer in the studio tasked with singing a duet with the King of Pop. She described the obvious effect that Michael Jackson had on everyone who worked with him. They, of course, all unanimously wanted to level up in his presence.
The reason for the examples above is simple. If there ever is a question about whether or not you should shine, my god, you know the answer. You becoming great is important. It’s not just important for you, but to others, as well.
Shine begets more shine. Don’t forget that.
2/12/21 WOD
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Front Rack Rear Elevated Split Squat (ea)
12 KB RDL’s
25 KB Swings
Then, EMOM 16
Min 1: :30 Front Rack Hold
Min 2: :20 Max Jump Squats
Min 3: :20 Max Plank to Pillar
Min 4: :20 Max Push-ups
Tuck Jumps
Squat Jumps
Then, complete 5 rounds of the following complex for load:
1 1-Arm DB Row (ea)
1 Deadlift to Same-Side Rev. Lunge (ea)
1 Offset DB Front Squat (ea)
1 Single-Arm DB Press (ea)
**All movements start and end on the ground, execute all reps on one side and then do all reps on the other side:
***One round is 3 times through each side.
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:60 Plank
-Rest :60-
Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes, complete the following complex for max load:
1 Hang Power Snatch
2 Snatch Balance
2 Overhead Squats
Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Snatch Grip RDLs
10 Barbell Rollouts
15 Sliding Hamstring Curls
Then, EMOM 10
Odd: :20 Max Thrusters (45/35)
Even: :20 Max Pull Ups