Too $hort’s early rap career started like most. It was an absolute hustle selling one tape at a time. Cutting costs by using discount tapes and mastering the tools he had at his disposal, Too $hort needed a groundswell of fans to break through in a forever difficult music industry.
So, how did he do it?
He did it with a personal touch. Too $hort might be able to cite his early day marketing strategies as the reason you know his name today. Too $hort, whose real name is Todd Shaw, would record personalized intros on his tapes for his would-be buyers. As he recounts the story, these intros would name the buyer, his/her block, and all his/her relevant friends. It’s also how the pride of Oakland made viral-like sales neighborhood to neighborhood tape sales and how at his very first live show in front of 5000 people at the Oakland Auditorium opening for UTFO the entire crowd knew the words to his songs.
Chances are you’re not trying to punch through with a music career, but it’s my view that Too $hort’s strategy might serve us all across industry. How could adding a personal touch to your business dealings make a remarkable impact in your work?
2/8/21 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Tempo Push Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8-10 Dips
10-12 Kipping Pull Ups
12 Hollow Rocks
Then, complete 5 rounds for reps of:
In :75…
12/10 Cal Row/Bike
Max Burpees-to-Plate (45#)
– Rest 2:30 –