Competition is a beautiful thing. It creates a sense of urgency and helps us leverage attention and focus towards heightened levels of engagement. True story, I love it so much that if competition were a food and I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner – daily – I would.
Though with the same breath, I’m here today to make an argument against superlatives. (In the event you never had access to a high school yearbook, a refresher that superlatives describe the highest degree of a quality – things like best dressed, most athletic, funniest, etc.)
In other words, I don’t particularly care if you’re the “best” or “strongest” or “fastest” athlete out there. Today, or, any day. Zoom out that lens to work, family, friends, and I still stand by my words.
Because here’s the thing – I’m far more interested in how green you notice the grass you’re standing on is, and to what extent you’re willing to take measures to maintain or increase its greenness, than I’m interested in how green you observe someone else’s lawn to be.
Separate, but related, one of the most interesting perspectives I’ve ever heard on procrastination went something like this:
There is no procrastination. There is only “I am interested” or “I am not interested enough.”
To tie it all together… I would imagine that some of the moments you cherish most in your life are ones that include the characteristic of all-encompassing. Win/ loss, successful/ unsuccessful, “good”/“bad”, I would imagine that the moments in your life including your fullest immersion are likely the ones that have provided the sturdiest, most substantial experiences by which you could reflect and evolve. These were the moments that you were so fully immersed in YOUR life, that you couldn’t possibly have experienced jealousy or resentment for any other person, place, or thing. After all, how would you experience a lack of interest in one thing, if you were unequivocally interested in something else?
Who cares how green Susan’s lawn is? A reminder that you have the opportunity to penetrate into an all-encompassing experience this very second. What might happen if you truly appreciated the green grass you’re standing on right now?
11/10/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Take 15 minute to build to a heavy clean..
Then, EMOM 12
Odd: 2 Hang Cleans (~75%)
Even: 8 Ball Slams
Then, complete 4 rounds for time of:
15 Toes-to-Bar
15 DB Power Cleans (50/30)
:30 DB Rack Iso Hold
45 Double Unders