Did you get some bad news? What if you paused for a second on your ruling the verdict on what feels like obvious negative circumstances? An ancient parable reminds us of this opportunity.
There’s an ancient parable about a farmer who lost his horse. And neighbors came over to say, “Oh, that’s too bad.” And the farmer said, “Good or bad, hard to say.” Days later, the horse returns and brings with it seven wild horses. And neighbors come over to say, “Oh, that’s so good!” And the farmer just shrugs and says, “Good or bad, hard to say.” The next day, the farmer’s son rides one of the wild horses, is thrown off and breaks his leg. And the neighbors say, “Oh, that’s terrible luck.” And the farmer says, “Good or bad, hard to say.” Eventually, officers come knocking on people’s doors, looking for men to draft for an army, and they see the farmer’s son and his leg and they pass him by. And neighbors say, “Ooh, that’s great luck!” And the farmer says, “Good or bad, hard to say.”
It’s hard to say if your news is bad and that’s good news. Onward!
10/30/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
1 Power Clean
3 Strict Presse
Then, EMOM 4
1 Power Clean
2 Push Presses
Then, EMOM 6
1 Clean & Jerk
Then, AMRAP 10
60 KB Swings (53/35)
30 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops
10 Pull Ups