Injuries are devastating, and for most of us can lead to an emotional downturn in the aftermath. I have dealt with my own injuries and my most recent injury has led me to discover the silver lining: slow down.
Injuries come in many different shapes and sizes but when you consider where a good number of them originate, it is a symptom of something that was already suffering.
I want to do two things in this post: 1) give you encouragement as the body has processes innately built in to facilitate recovery along with the realization that we live in a time where the medical field is learning how to heal with even the most devastating of injuries. 2) Encourage you to take this down/injury time to slow down. Enjoy the beauty around you that, most of us, are missing on a daily basis.
At the peak of my most recent injury, I was forced to slow down and be present. Literally, I had nothing else to do. After, analyzing and contemplating, I thought to myself, “Wow, I haven’t slowed down and been so present, like this, in a LONG time.” It felt like a voice was telling me that I needed to slow myself down. Yes, the physical acute pain was there, but I thought that this was a sign of something greater that my body and spirit needed.
So even if you’re reading this and are not currently going through an injury, remember that sometimes we need to slow ourselves down and stay in harmony with our body, if not, outside forces might step in and make that decision for you.

OBJ with a season ending ACL injury in 2020.
10/29/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
8 Half Kneeling 1-Arm DB Press – Left
8 Half Kneeling 1-Arm DB Press – Right
Max Strict Chin Ups
Every 6 minutes for 6 rounds, complete the following for time:
:60 DB Plank Hold
12 Devil’s Presses (45/25)
20 Cal Bike/Row