It’s difficult to overstate the importance of the extended hip position. Why is it that the best throwing, sprinting, and weightlifting demands a violently extended hip? Why is it that this remains true in less straightforward, non-fitness oriented movements, too?
The truth is that the hardest punches are thrown with an extended hip in the same way that the highest scored tricks in figure skating require the same hip position. And, the reason most generally lies in the fact that the closed hip (or hips back position) would be leaving the vast majority of the strongest musculature in the body on the table, unused. To extend the hip is to recruit the glutes and the rest of the hip system completely. To magnify the importance of this fact, the hips coincidentally exist in the center of the body’s structure, which perfectly supports the emanating nature of energy from inside out. The core the extremity phenomenon that makes a whip crack is not dissimilar to how the body exhibits force.
This is all to say that your unique ability to complete hip extension more violently to more completion more often is directly tethered to your ability to maximize your physical potential. If you’re training with us in Venice today, you’re in luck because there is a theme in the training. It is all about unadulterated violent hip extension. Period.
9/29/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Odd: 2 Broad Jumps to Vertical Jumps
Even: 6 Plyo Push Ups
Tall Cleans
Hang Clean and Jerks
Then, complete 2 rounds for time of:
25 Toes-to-Bar
15 Over-the-Bar Burpees
10 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115/75)
400m Run