Remember when you couldn’t buy toilet paper? Quarantine drastically changed the behavior of consumers in the United States and while toilet paper is pretty easy to find these days, dumbbells aren’t. As of writing this, you can’t purchase a pair of thirty-five pound dumbbells from common sources like Rogue Fitness, Amazon, or Sorinex.
Remarkably, the only place you can get new dumbbells delivered to your door is from DEUCE.
On May 6th, after connecting 400 DELTA BRAVO students around the country with used dumbbells from Craigslist and LetGo, we made the decision to produce nearly 40,000lbs of custom dumbbells in China to fulfill the needs of our digital training experience, DELTA BRAVO. This decision came on the heels of a blitz effort to produce the single greatest strength and conditioning experience that could be done anywhere by anyone. It both makes gym memberships redundant and accomplishes what has been impossible in fitness until now:
Legitimate Strength and Conditioning is now convenient and affordable for the first time in history.
There have been many Shake Weight-like affordable, convenient fitness gadgets in the marketplace. None have had legitimate training upside, however. And, of course, you can find expensive, inconvenient access to world-class coaches and facilities, but there’s always been a trade off. DELTA BRAVO, however, nearly maximizes human potential while simultaneously minimizing barriers to entry like finciancies, access, and spatial constraints.
Five months later our dumbbells landed in the port in Long Beach and days later they arrived at our fulfilment center ready to be shipped worldwide. Now, that we can drop ship the perfect pair of dumbbells to your doorstep with one click, the DEUCE experience available worldwide.
There are men and women tackling the world’s smartest strength and conditioning experience on five continents as we speak and we hope you’ll join us!
9/28/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Make 3 attempts at the following:
Max Chin-Over-the-Bar Iso Hold
1-Arm Tempo DB Push Press (ea)
Then, complete 2 rounds of the following:
1:00 Max KB Swings (53/35)
-Rest 2 Min-
20 Lateral Plyo Skier Hops
10 DB Hang Power Clean & Jerks (50/30)
5 Hand Release Push Ups
-Rest 2 Min-