Last Saturday we hosted our latest community event down here in Hermosa. ‘Beach Day’ (as we call it) is a day on the beach where we enjoy the sun, surf, games, and occasionally gym members football game. This past Saturday was no exception (The game ended reluctantly in a draw).
For those who might not know, we truly enjoy putting these events on for our members. We find that putting together events help connect individuals in a more meaningful way than the 5 minutes most have between classes. The events facilitate interaction and relationship building that leads to a long-term accountability system that only brings even deeper value to each individual beyond the workouts they originally signed up for. You get to meet more people that share a similar interest and mindset.
Another benefit is the impression we can leave on individuals. I always think about being invited to events with new people, for the very first time. In my experience it has been rare for the host to lead me around, introduce me to people, and make sure that I was doing well. Sure, I’ve gotten a “How are you liking it?” but rarely, would I get introduced to others or been given more than a minute of attention.
This is something that we try and be aware of when we host events. We all remember being the ‘new kid’. It’s vulnerable and we understand that to see a new face at one of our events is something we should tend to with care. We try to do our best to make sure the new member feels included throughout the day. Again, this past Saturday was no exception.
As a takeaway, I encourage you to think of moments where you have the ability to include others. Make others feel welcomed, put yourself in their position, remember, it can be rough being the ‘new kid’.
As we prepare for the fall weather, and to open our gym doors, we look forward to continued opportunities to make the ‘new kid’, not so new, and more proud of his gym than ever before.
9/17/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Odd: 7 Bottom Half DB Deadlifts + 7 Top Half DB Deadlifts + 7 DB Deadlifts
Even: 2 Box Jumps
Then, 3 rounds for quality:
:30 Overhead Plank
8 Banded Front Levers (w/ 1-count Iso Hold)
12 1-Arm DB Rows (ea)
Then, complete 5 rounds for time of:
10 Alt DB Power Clean and Jerks (70/50)
-Rest 1 Min-