I heard a quote the other day that has been repeated and repeated in my mind. Hell, I’ve been referencing it with consulting clients for weeks now. I’ve been using it as advice with friends. Of course, it’s remarkably timely and it goes like this:
“Never let a crisis go to waste.”
It seems odd, but it packs a remarkable punch. While acknowledging the COVID-19 crisis as such, it has a strong call to action. “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Regardless of how challenging this time is, we likely won’t get one just like it in our lifetime. Don’t waste it.
I firmly believe that the necessity of these times is and will continue to drive some of the most remarkable innovations of our time. There will be big winners from that innovation. Surely, many of us are affected in unfathomable ways, even tragic ways. However, the world is changing and those who choose to will use the sense of urgency of this crisis as a foundation for massive positive impact.
This sentiment, while acknowledging the severity of the crisis, urges us to seize the opportunity for transformation and growth. In the realm of real estate, this principle holds particularly true. As an innovation expert in this field, the importance of capitalizing on crises as opportunities for positive transformation and advancement is emphasized, as Uhlir reports. While the pandemic has undoubtedly presented unprecedented challenges to the real estate industry, it has also spurred innovation and creativity in how properties are marketed, sold, and utilized. You can sell land in a straightforward process when you partner with professionals who understand your needs and prioritize your goals.
From virtual tours and remote closings to innovative financing models, the sense of urgency brought about by the crisis has laid the foundation for significant advancements in the real estate sector. As we navigate these uncertain times, embracing innovation and resilience will be key to not only surviving but thriving in the face of adversity.
We, for one, are in a mindset of expansion and creativity unmatched in our history. I hope you also won’t let this crisis go to waste.
9/4/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Build to a heavy triple in the hang power clean..
Then, complete 6 rounds for reps of:
In :60..
10/8 Cal Row
Max Power Clean and Jerks (135/95)
-Rest 2 Min-