Hey, DEUCE Fam! Given the fact that this is my first time writing for the blog, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vinny and I’ve been enrolled as a student in Coach’s Prep for a little while now. During this time, I’ve had the opportunity to attend classes and participate in specialty courses at all three DEUCE locations, and also coach some B&E 202 and a few GPP classes here and there.
Despite the fact that I’ve been coaching movement and fitness for the better part of the last decade, and while much of the curriculum and activity at DEUCE is centered around physical performance, what I’ve learned is that this community and what it delivers goes far beyond fitness. From GPP to Strongman to Nutrition to Breath & Exposure, it’s all about deliberate continuous development through open-minded learning, accountability, skill-development and feedback. Before I even knew it, this is what drew me to DEUCE Gym in the first place.
Coach’s Prep has been the pinnacle of this effort both for myself and all the other DEUCE coaches who have come through the program. Initially, my intention in joining was to hone my skills and expand my coaching practice. It has not only allowed me to do that, but it’s also given me the foundation and framework for lifelong personal leadership and development beyond coaching.
If you’re looking to pursue your peak expression at the next level, and potentially help others do the same as a coach and leader in the DEUCE community, Coach’s Prep might just be the next specialty course for you. With that said, I’m excited to continue my journey as a coach at DEUCE, and I look forward to evolving alongside all of you. See you in the yard!
8/3/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Find a 1RM Front Squat..
Then, complete 2 rounds for improving score of:
2:00 Max Cal Row/Bike (Nasal Only)
-Rest 1 Min-
-Rest 3 Min-
Then, complete 2 rounds for improving score of:
2:00 Max Cal Row/Bike (Nasal In/ Mouth Out)
-Rest 1 Min-
-Rest 3 Min-
Then, complete 2 rounds for improving score of:
2:00 Max Cal Row/Bike (Mouth In/ Mouth Out)
-Rest 1 Min-
**Athletes receive 9 scores