To be honest, my first paradigm shift came at a young age. I was of the worldview that using the term “a couple” to describe things like Skittles or crackers or Legos most specifically meant “three”. It doesn’t really matter why. It had something to do with a combination of the geometrical power of a triangle and three being more than two. In any case, finding out that saying, “Hey, hand me a couple Legos..” specifically means two legos. At least, it more closely meant two than it did three.
This is the child’s version of a worldview shattering experience known as a paradigm shift. Hopefully the silly story will help you remember it.
The beautiful thing about paradigm shifts is that their very nature precludes them to be shifts towards more truth. In fact, it’s only realizing new truths that can shatter a worldview that formerly held the title of “truth”.
Paradigm shifts can be encouraged by our own doing and/or they can be forced upon us. For example, seeking out new information to challenge your reliance on the Standard American Diet to have your perspective changed. Similarly, you can have one can have his/her worldview changed if God forbid his/her home and possession as get destroyed in a flood.
Waiting around for the universe to teach us lessons with paradigm shifting experiences seems passive and disempowered for my liking. What paradigms can you start pushing to a shift?
7/16/20 WOD
[Meet at Anderson Park]
[Meet at Pan Pacific Park]
Tempo Push Press
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
10 Reverse Grip Bent Rows
12 DB Triceps Series
12-15 Hollow Rocks
Then, AMRAP 15
30 Hang Cleans (155/105)
Max Calories Row/Bike
Then, complete the following for quality:
75 Plate Curls