Since our move to Hermosa in 2017, (previously in Torrance going back to 2014), we have spent a lot of time getting to know “The Best Little Beach City”. Not being sure how this new community would respond to our approach to fitness, we immediately fell in love with its tight knit, family vibe. When we look at communities surrounding Hermosa Beach, we couldn’t be happier to be situated in a town like Hermosa that prioritizes fitness and staying active. We have found that Hermosa wants quality, aesthetic in design, and community.
That’s exactly what we’re here to deliver.
Ever since our inception, DEUCE Athletics has focused on delivering performance and building a community. We want to build a connection with each and every member that goes beyond the workout. It’s simple: we’re all human, and we all live different experiences, every day. Some sit at a desk for 8 hours, and others may spend their day on their feet working inside a medical office. We all live differently.
Building a community does two things: It allows us to connect and better understand how you go about your day. This allows us as a coaching staff to identify the best program for you. This is critical to longevity that often doesn’t get accounted for in a gym setting. Secondly, being in a community allows you to get more out of your experience.
Meeting new people will result in you being more involved and committed to your gym. This, in our experience, has led to more accountability and motivation, which leads to results inside the gym!
DEUCE Athletics continues to grow but our core will always be the same: COMMUNITY.
If you are interested in a free trial for DEUCE Gym (with no cost out of pocket), sign up here.
We would love to meet you!
7/13/20 WOD
Split Stance Strict Press
Complete 4 rounds for quality of:
12 Incline Prone DB Rows
:10 Captain Morgan (ea)
Then, EMOM 8:
1 Clean + 1 Push Press
Then, every :90 for 5 rounds complete the following for load:
1 Clean + 1 Split Jerk
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
15 Calorie Row
-Rest 5 Min-
Then, take 8 minutes to establish a max hang power clean..
EMOM 12:
Odd: 6 Half Kneeling Lateral Med Ball Slams (ea)
Even: 12 Alternating Jumping Lunges
Then, complete 4 rounds for reps of:
In :90..
:30 Plank Hold
8 Plyo Push Ups
Max Alt DB Snatches (70/50)
-Rest :90-
Then, complete the following for quality:
30 Strict Pull Ups