Context Crushing Amnesia

The human tendency to have goldfish-like memory is a direct threat to our ability to have true understanding. Understanding, after all, requires context. Context requires a full map of the landscape. Since the present moment is right in front of us and we chronically worry about the future, I think I can make a strong case that the most common culprit for misunderstanding surrounds our ability to clearly see the past. This is specifically why “history repeats itself.”

If you find yourself feeling fairly certain about your feelings and understanding of an issue or topic, it may help to begin with the assumption that we all suffer from amnesia. The best thing we can do with our histories, then, is to not forget them. 



Daily at Home GPP Coaching Video 

6/20/20 WOD


Complete 2 rounds for quality of: 

15 Prone I-Raises

15 Prone Y-Raises

15 Prone T-Raises 

15 Prone W-Raises  


Then, complete 2 rounds for quality of: 

12 Push Ups to Downward Dog 

:60 Isometric Glute Bridge Hold 

12 Single Leg Glute Bridges (ea)  


Then, complete 4 rounds for time of: 

30 3-position Dynamic Squats (10 narrow, 10 regular, 10 wide) 

30  3-position 1/4 Squat Pulses (10 narrow, 10 regular, 10 wide) 

30 Tempo Squats (4141) (10 narrow, 10 regular, 10 wide) 

-Rest :60-  


Then, complete 3 rounds for quality of:

Supine 3-Way Neck Series

25 Yes

15 Maybe (ea)

10 No (ea)