If you’re excited to get back in the gym, here’s how to earn a Gold Star in the process. We’ve got some specific details that will make your ability to train as quick and easy as possible.
Member Access:
As we get settled into learning new protocols and processes, we will be ramping up our opening. Members who are currently active will be the only students able to attend class the first week. Members who are suspended will be able to attend class starting Monday June 22nd. We will be coordinating new member inquiries starting June 29th.
No action is needed on your end. To avoid being charged for two memberships, do not purchase another membership. We have migrated over all active memberships and are painstakingly doing so to honor holds. If you’d like to come off hold, simply communicate that will a coach.
Reserving Class:
Whether you’re reserving a GPP class, a specialty course training session, or a personal training session you will need to reserve one of the socially distanced spaces before you train via the Push Press member app, which is available on both iOS and Android.
Registration opens 24-hours before the class time.
Safety + Sanitation:
It’s imperative that we maintain a safe, inclusive training environment and we need your help to do so. We ask that you respect the current expression of our protocols if even just for the sake of your fellow classmates who may have good reason to only come to the gym if strict protocols are upheld.
Please come to the gym wearing a mask, we will direct you to the handwashing station after we take your temperature, and then to your training area. You won’t need to train in a mask.
We are holding space for the notion that these protocols are highly specific, overzealous for some, not secure enough for others, and you may have an array of feelings about them. They will evolve quickly as things progress and we invite you to join us when you feel ready. We are excited to share a remarkable training experience with you and invite you all to a place of positivity with us as we all learn how to move through this reopening together.
We are so excited to coach you all!
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
6/13/20 WOD
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
12 Opposite-Side Bird Dog
12 T-Pushups
Then, complete 4 rounds for quality of:
10 Lateral Skier Jumps (ea)
-Rest :60-
Then, complete 5 rounds for quality of:
8 Wide Grip Pushup
12 Behind-the-Neck Towel Row
24 Towel Superman
Then, complete 2 rounds for quality of::
:60 Bear Breathing
-Rest :60-