We’re placing all announcements and initiatives on hold to make space for more important issues. The message above attempts to communicate three main points in order of importance:
- Intention:We want to place overall impact over everything else. Second, we are committed to both take swift action & reinforce the reality that this process isn’t over when the protests stop.
- Two Pronged Effort: 1) 10% of ALL retail sales in June will be donated to the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund & 2) we’re compounding 2% of all membership dues each month from now until the end of 2020 to make a second, much larger financial commitment at year end.
- The rites and privileges granted affiliates of CrossFit Inc. are limited to one thing: use of the CrossFit name. Some of you know, others do not, but we’ve been an affiliate since our inception. Still, we’ve never used CrossFit in our name. Rather, our affiliation was our effort to pay our dues and pay homage to the institution that provided so much inspiration, education, and paved the way for the ubiquitous prevalence of gyms like ours worldwide. We wouldn’t exist without Greg Gassman’s work.
- Since our inception, we called our core offering General Physical Preparedness (GPP) because that is our commitment.
- While CrossFit has changed the world, it’s no longer possible for us to represent the company. After the frustrating and embarrassing actions of the founder, Greg Glassman this decision not only is simple, it’s a truer expression of the mission we’ve been executing on since 2011.
- We’re bathing in gratitude for your perseverance, your patience, and your support. We’re preparing a thoughtful return to training in our facilities again as early as Friday June 12th.
- Note that these decisions and strategies will be driven by science, the needs of our community, and our ability to deliver a remarkable coaching experience.
You’ll be hearing from us soon about what we’ve been working on diligently behind the scenes. There’s a great deal to be excited about, but none of that precedes the social revolution among us.
My door is open if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you for being in this family!
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
6/8/20 WOD
Progressive Volume Work:
Complete 5 rounds for quality:
:30 Hollow Hold + 15 Hollow Rocks + 10 Candlestick Rolls
8 Plyo Pushups + 10 Push Ups + 20 Shoulder Taps
10 Jump Squats + 5 Tempo Air Squats + :30 Iso Squat
Then, complete the following for distance:
45 Min Ruck (50/35)