The charter we hold here at DEUCE is to be a house of learning. In many ways, we view DEUCE as an ecosystem of coaches and facilities where one can learn and move toward performance in a number of different disciplines. We’re like a university for performance with a broad spectrum of course offerings.
Project Speed is an extension of DEUCE that delivers invaluable training and expertise for athletes, specifically field and court athletes where speed is a premium. Coaches Kyle Henmi, Ronnie Lopez, Chris Pascual, and Juan Guadarrama have collaborated on a brand new online course.
Standards of Speed & Agility is an online course perfect for both coaches of explosive athletes and the athletes themselves. The course offers video lecture, examples, cues, common faults, and even quizzes to facilitate your learning. You’ll leave the course with remarkable understanding of:
- Warm Up/ Movement Prep
- Linear Acceleration
- Top End Speed
- Hip Turns
- Lateral Change of Direction
- Linear Change of Direction
- Cutting
- Energy Systems
- Programming
If you or anyone you know needs more speed and athleticism, start here. All the folks who’ve said “You can’t teach speed..” haven’t learned from our masterful coaches. We’ll see you in the course!
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
6/5/20 WOD
Progressive Volume Work:
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
:30 Glute Bridge Iso Hold + 12 Sliding Hamstring Curls
7 (Top) Half Dips + 7 (Bottom) Half Dips + 7 Dips
10 Split Squats (Left) + 10 Jumping Lunges
10 Split Squats (Right) + 10 Jumping Lunges
Threshold Training:
“300 Yard Shuttle Test”
Complete three rounds for time:
300yd Shuttle (50yd o/b)
-Rest 1 Min-
**Record slowest round score