Most of us had it pretty good before the COVID-19 crisis. Hell, we still have it good. Nonetheless, the feeling of rebuilding is nearly universal right now, especially as things come out of quarantine.
Rebuilding can feel burdensome, unfortunate, and frustrating. It’s the building process that holds all of the juice, however. When you consider the learning, the joy, and the evolutionary elements, rebuilding might be the best time in any lifecycle.
There’s a famous story of Will Smith’s father destroying a brick wall and tasking him and his brother with rebuilding it. The year was 1980 and the future TV and movie star was just twelve years old. The wall was to be built by hand. At sixteen feet high and thirty feet long, the wall was no small task.
Will and his brother, Harry, began by digging a hole six feet deep to support the wall’s foundation. Will’s young mind was overwhelmed by the size of this task to the point he remembers thinking, “There will be nothing but a giant hole here — forever.”
It took the boys a year and a half, but they completed the wall. Given Will Smith has come a long way since age twelve, it ought to be insightful to note that he’s still talking about rebuilding that wall after all these years. This time might be challenging and it may seem like you’re going to be in this “giant hole… forever”, but what you do to rebuild now will live on your heart and mind forever.
Who’s ready to lay some bricks?
6/4/20 WOD
“McGill Big Three”
Complete 3 rounds for quality:
10-8-5 Curl Ups + :10 Iso Hold
:90 Side Plank Accumulate (ea)
12 Bird Dogs (ea)
Conditioning for a score:
Then, complete 5 rounds for reps of:
In 2:00..
100m Run
20 Burpees
Max Squats
-Rest 2 Min-