I’ll be honest. I’ve got to pinch myself every time I see photos like the one above (Brooklyn, NY) or when messages of appreciation come in from out of the country or when folks enroll in our digital training from another continent all together. It’s surreal to me to this day.
In all the years of these kinds of shocking moments, I’ve never really been wrapped up in the kind of thinking that would explain the attraction to the DEUCE brand as meaning we are special or geniuses or anything of the like. There has been a take away worth sharing, however. That take away is exactly what makes this blog something other than a long winded humble brag, in my opinion. Here is it:
Human beings are attracted to a best effort. Period.
This is the same reason we get chills watching no holds barred efforts in athletics. It’s why we like underdogs who show up anyway. It explains why we like comeback stories. There’s a human connection to vulnerability (likely because we want it from ourselves).
I’ll never forget the first time I saw this clearly. It was the arch of our humble beginnings in the park that led to the brick and mortar business you now see in Venice. Perception went from “that’s cute” to “it looks like it’s going well” to “y’all still running that?” to “you guys, this is a real thing..” to “these sons of bitches did it!” The momentum was palpable and it felt like droves more people than ever trained with us now wanted to be a part of this vulnerable best effort. And, they did. In fact, I hang our hat of success on that specific kind of early support.
While it seems quite scary to do that which would require your best effort, I’d encourage you to consider that the universe wants you to do so so badly that you ought to and enjoy the support therein. We’re “doing it” and I hope you will, too.
Logan Gelbrich
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
5/14/20 WOD
Progressive Stability Work:
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
40 Shoulder Taps w/ :01 Pause at top
10m Bear Crawl Forward
14 Bird Dogs (Right Arm)
10m Bear Crawl Backward
14 Bird Dogs (Left Arm)
Conditioning for a Score:
Complete 4 rounds for reps and time of:
:20 Max Burpees
400m Run
25 Air Squats
25 Push Ups
400m Run
-Rest 3:00-
**Athlete’s score is total burpees & total time