We were thrilled to rally all three DEUCE locations to support an incredible local non-profit, Friends LA, in their effort to support the foster children of Los Angeles. With our own Chessa Donaldson at the helm, it was an easy initiative to get behind.
When tasked with describing a snapshot of a family in LA, she described it this way:
”A mom, who was once in foster care; a daughter, born when she was just a teenager; a toddler, still in diapers. Mom is doing everything she can to provide for her daughters. She cleans houses for work and takes classes at the local community college. COVID-19 comes and everything just stops. Her work is gone, and unemployment isn’t an option. She can’t enroll in classes because she owes the school money, and that’s a bill that’s on hold for now. Her daughter is no longer in school but is required to take online classes with an internet connection she doesn’t have. Her toddler needs attention, too. Mom has little support – it’s just her and her two girls in a one-bedroom apartment. What Mom does have, though, is Friends L.A. And Friends L.A. has DEUCE.
Last week, all three DEUCE locations came together with some of today’s most prized resources – toilet paper, paper towels, sanitizing wipes – to donate to families impacted by foster care through Friends L.A. The result was tremendous – 60 families benefited from the DEUCE drive. These families are the ones I described above – surviving the burden of a global pandemic that most affects those who are already facing tremendous challenges.”
I’m grateful not just for people in our community like Chessa, but specifically for you all who showed up big to support this effort. If you want to get involved, the fundraising towards our $5000 dollar goal isn’t over yet. Donate here to help us reach our goal!
Keep going.
Logan Gelbrich
Submit Your Score to the Digital Whiteboard
5/13/20 WOD
Pistol Progression:
Complete 3 rounds for quality of:
8 1-Leg Lower to Seat (R)
8 1-Leg Stand from Seat (R)
8 1-Leg Lower to Seat (L)
8 1-Leg Stand from seat (L)
Then, AMRAP 20
Walking Lunges